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Which Parenting Type Is Right for You?

There’s no manual for parenting — something you probably realized when you brought your little one home. There’s no single “right”

There’s no manual for parenting — something you probably realized when you brought your little one home. There’s no single “right” way to parent. How you parent will depend on how you were raised, how you see others parenting, and even, to some extent, your cultural background.


Many child development specialists consider this the most reasonable and effective form of parenting. Consider yourself an authoritative parent if you:

  • set clear and consistent rules and boundaries
  • have reasonable expectations for your children
  • listen to input from your child/children
  • are generous with positive feedback



Permissive parents are loving and warm. They deviate from traditional parenting techniques in that it’s the children who call the shots — not the other way around. If you’re a permissive parent, you:


As an authoritative parent, you create a loving and supportive environment for your children. As a result, your children:


Know someone who orchestrates every aspect of their kid’s life, from what friends they have to what food they eat to what they do in their free time? Then you know a concerned, conscientious parent. But society may also label them a helicopter parent.

Helicopter parents:

  • try to control many situations (out of love, may we add)
  • lack confidence in their child’s — well, any child’s — ability to handle situations as skillfully as an adult would (fair enough, perhaps)
  • constantly offer guidance to their children
  • jump in to solve their children’s problems

Jill Seladi-Schulman is a freelance writer from Atlanta, GA. She received her PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Emory where her dissertation was centered on influenza morphology. She has a passion for science and health communication and enjoys writing on all sorts of health-related topics – although she will always have a soft spot for infectious disease. Jill is also an avid reader, loves to travel, and enjoys writing fiction.

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Which Parenting Type Is Right for You?

There’s no manual for parenting — something you probably realized when you brought your little one home. There’s no single “right”
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